DP-001ADigital Infrared Motion Detector ModuleWith NEW Digital Sensor
New miniature micropower digital motion detector module operates on 4 to 15 volts at only 45 microamperes. Programmed with default sensitivity and dwell, module is ready to use, just connect power and output.The module is a basic building block designed for use in the construction of a motion detector device. It includes a digital pyroelectric infrared sensor, a microprocessor and both logic level and relay driver outputs. An on-board voltage regulator powers the circuits and accepts a 4 to 15 volt DC power supply voltage. The power system includes reversed polarity protection.The DP-001A eliminates the need to design and build the complex amplifier and comparator circuits that must follow a typical analog pyroelectric infrared sensor. The relay driver within the DP-001A can sink up to 200 milliamperes to directly drive a relay, light emitting diode or other load. The logic output can also be fed into a logic or timing circuit to add specific functions such as robot control or triggering a camera shutter. The DP-001A is designed to detect infrared radiation (IR) from a moving human or animal both in daylight and at night. It will only respond to a moving source of infrared radiation. It will not detect a static IR source. The DP-001A is electrically the same as the square DP-003A.Features______
Digital Technology The Glolab DP-001A module uses a Digital infrared detector. This new technology incorporates a sensor, amplifier, filter, A/D converter in one TO5 package. Unlike typical analog pyroelectric sensors, the digital sensor outputs serial data pulses that represent the amplitude of detected infrared radiation in digital form. Since all of the amplification and signal processing is done within the sensor package, the detector has very high immunity to RF radiation from cell phones and other sources. Below is a block diagram of the DP-001A module. Power is supplied to the sensor and the processor through a micropower voltage regulator. The processor decodes the serial bits from the digital sensor and turns both a logic output and relay driver on when motion is detected. The amount of time that the output remains on (dwell) can be programmed by an external resistor and can be set for one of ten times from 200 milliseconds to 10 minutes. Detection sensitivity that affects detection range can also be programmed for one of five sensitivity levels by an external resistor that is connected only during programming. The module is supplied with default settings of medium sensitivity and 1 second dwell time. Zener diodes within the relay driver suppress voltage transients from inductive loads such as a relay or small motor. An LED or relay connected from +V to the relay output terminal will turn on when motion is detected. A minimum of three wires must be connected to the DP-001A; two for power and one for output. Since all three wires carry only DC levels and not signals, the DP-001A module can be located remotely from the load that it drives.
Driving a microprocessor or logic circuit Driving a microprocessor or other circuit. The logic output will be at 0 volts with no motion and will go to +3.5 volts when motion is detected. It will remain at +3.5 volts during the dwell timeout.
Driving a light emitting diode A resistor is required in series with the LED to limit current. The resistor value can be chosen for the desired LED intensity.
Driving a relay The relay can be powered by the same source as the DP-001A module or by a separate source of voltage either lower or higher than the voltage that powers the DP-001A. If separate power sources are used, the negative side of both should be connected together and to -V (ground). The maximum voltage that can power a relay or other load is 28 volts.
Driving a vibrating motor
Driving a vibrating motor to provide a physical annunciation of a motion event. The vibrating motor can be remote from the DP-001A module, connected by wires. This is useful where an audible or visible indicator is not appropriate such as when detecting an approaching animal.
Driving a relay with multiple DP-001A modulesTwo or more DP-001A modules can be bussed together so that multiple sensors can be used to detect motion in many directions and activate one load.
A Fresnel lens or other type of lens can be used with the DP-001A for long range detection.
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